Fake Headlines, Real News.
Fake Headlines, Real News.
We talked to energy experts and they said this is the most important decision you can make. 100% electric replacement
This one small change can make your life so much easier. Hire Energizing Green Solutions
The surprising thing that some of the smartest people you know are doing. Electrifying their homes
Fossil fuel companies are desperate to make sure you don’t find out about this. Renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels.
The 2021 global energy report just came out and people are losing their minds. - Global energy use increased by one percent in 2021 and all of that demand was meant by renewables.
This college student came home and couldn’t believe what his parents had planned for his childhood room. - installing ductless mini split heat pumps
This is my mom’s simple trick for cleaning up my carbon footprint, and I should’ve listened to her years ago. Electrify Everything
This is what energy smart homes in your area are selling for.
Single mom in Massachusetts gets amazing results with this one home health hack. Buying an induction Stove with federal IRA funds and retiring her gas stove.
British strategist may be right about this one mind blowing saying. Saving the world is cheaper than ruining it.
This family in Jamaica Plain took on a home renovation project that is making them cozier and happier than they ever expected. Edith and Peter’s insulation and sealing project
This retired couple ignored their plumber when their furnace broke, and you’ll never guess how it turned out. Jen and Bob bought electric ductless mini splits
Grandparents all over America are making this move, and their grandchildren couldn’t be happier. Buying safer new EVs and getting rid of internal combustion engine vehicles.
You’ll never believe how many iPhones you could buy for the same price of this car in China
America doesn’t have enough of these workers and the pay is going to blow your mind. - Electricians.
This common Dutch habit could be the secret to eliminating car crashes. - biking and taking public transportation
Putin didn’t expect this when he declared war on Ukraine. – Accelerating the transition to clean energy.
Even Boris Johnson changed his mind about this. - the incredible economic opportunity in switching to renewable energy
Republicans didn’t vote for these bills but their constituents are getting the benefits anyway. - IRA, chips act and infrastructure bill
This could be the reason why Giselle and Tom got divorced. – She refused to ride in their gas guzzling SUVs anymore.
There is simply no other more reliable source of energy than this one. - the Sun. It will come up every day for billions of years.
Winter is coming in Maine but these 28000 families are smiling because they have a secret. - They installed an energy efficient heat pump with state support.
Your gas company doesn’t want you to know this but a recent federal bill could put 1000s of dollars in your pocket. - Click here to go to the Rewiring America incentives calculator
Henry Ford understood some thing 100 years ago that will change your life today. - The incredible power of learning curve where more you manufacture of some thing the cheaper it gets. Look for dropping prices in EVs, heat pumps, solar panels, and wind power.
In 2015 experts everywhere forecast doom for our planet but they didn’t expect this to happen. - how radical the drops in price have already been for solar and wind power.
Fossil fuel executives were lying for years, but this new wrinkle in clean tech could save them. - Enhanced geothermal energy
The surprising news about geothermal energy, it’s not what you think. - It could supply 50% of our energy by 2050.
Even if Republicans take over government, this change will be unstoppable. - Transition to clean energy.
If you want to save money in retirement and be healthier to make sure you do this now. - Take advantage of government support to install heat pumps and weatherize your home today.
This one idea could make all the difference in your retirement planning. – Not understanding the idea of stranded assets.
People think that heat pumps are magic but really, they’re this thing that was figured out 100 years ago. – second law of thermodynamics.
If your electricity bill is scary high this could be the reason. - you’re using a window air conditioner, your house isn’t insulated or sealed, you’re not taking advantage of demand pricing, you aren’t using your heat pump enough
This tiny South American country is doing something experts thought impossible in 2012. - Uruguay runs on 98% renewable electricity
Demand for these jobs is about to go nuts, and our training programs and colleges just aren’t ready. - electricians, solar installers, heat pump installers, …
Tesla just did it again by rolling a few of these out of its factories, and no one believed it was possible just a few years ago. – Long distance trucking EVs
Even teenagers understand this thing that seems to baffle some parents. - We have to stop burning fossil fuels now.
There’s a massive change coming to homes across the United States and you could miss it.
This savvy divorced mom in Colorado is doing some thing other homeowners should pay attention to. - taking advantage of excel state, an IRA incentives for electrifying homes
The homeowners association told this sexy divorced mom in Colorado “No” but this little known law was on her side. - putting up solar panels
Denver neighbors were shocked when this fired up divorced mom started doing this and they couldn’t stop her. - installing solar panels and electrifying her home, and banking the value of the extra electricity until she gets an EV